Gross Motor Skills in Children: How Pediatric Chiropractic Can Help

Gross motor skills are essential movements that involve large muscle groups, such as the arms, legs, core, and spine. These skills include sitting upright, walking, running, jumping, climbing, riding a bike, playing sports, and more. Developing strong gross motor skills is crucial for childhood development and overall health.

While most pediatric practitioners focus on the core or torso when assessing gross motor development, a neurospinal approach gives a more comprehensive view of your child’s movement abilities. This article will dive into how the spine, or neurospinal system, plays a vital role in the development of these important skills.

Why Gross Motor Skills Matter

Gross motor skills are fundamental for your child’s overall development. These movements are not only important for physical health but also support other areas of development. Here are three key reasons why gross motor skills are so important:

  1. Gross motor skills must develop before fine motor skills

  2. Gross motor development supports brain development

  3. Gross motor development is linked to other health functions like digestion and immunity

Delayed gross motor skills can manifest in everyday tasks, such as difficulty getting dressed, getting in and out of a car, or navigating physical environments. These challenges can later affect a child's ability to engage in school activities, sports, and social interactions. In some cases, delays in gross motor development can also contribute to common childhood health issues, such as chronic ear infections, respiratory issues, and constipation.

Key Gross Motor Skills Milestones

Understanding developmental milestones for gross motor skills can help parents identify where their child is in their growth journey. While each child develops at their own pace, here’s a general timeline for gross motor milestones:

  • Newborns to 2 months: Turns head from both sides while on back, lifts head during tummy time

  • 3-4 months: Raises head in line with trunk when pulled to sit, tolerates tummy time, rolls from belly to back

  • 5 months: Rolls from back to belly, brings feet to mouth, pivots in a circle while on the belly

  • 6-8 months: Sits alone, catches self with loss of balance, crawls on belly

  • 9-11 months: Crawls on hands and knees, walks with hands held, cruises around furniture

  • 11-12 months: Walks with one hand held, stands alone briefly

  • 13-14 months: Crawls upstairs, walks alone, stands from floor without support

  • 15-18 months: Kicks a ball, crawls downstairs, runs and falls easily

  • 2 years: Walks up/down stairs, runs, jumps in place

  • 3 years: Balances on one foot briefly, catches a large ball, rides a tricycle

  • 4 years: Runs, jumps, climbs, begins skipping

  • 5 years: Climbs well, swims, rides a bike without training wheels

Signs of Gross Motor Skill Delays

Delays in gross motor skills are usually noticeable early on. Key signs to watch for include:

  • Fatigue during basic physical activities

  • Slouching or poor posture

  • Difficulty transitioning between postures

  • Disorganized and inefficient movement

Children with delays may also avoid physical activities altogether. While these challenges often first appear in early childhood, they can later impact school performance, peer interactions, and participation in sports.

Addressing Gross Motor Delays with Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Traditional therapies like physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) often focus on strengthening the core to improve gross motor function. While core strengthening is essential, for children with significant gross motor delays, there is often a deeper issue at play: subluxation.

Subluxation refers to misalignments or dysfunctions in the spine that can affect the nervous system. When subluxations are present in the cervical (neck) and thoracic (upper torso) regions, they can impact the nervous system’s ability to coordinate movement effectively.

Subluxation can cause two main issues that affect gross motor development:

  1. Altered tone and tension in the muscles and nervous system

  2. Incoordination and imbalance in motor functions

If a child’s neurospinal system (spine and nervous system) is not functioning properly due to subluxation, it can interfere with their ability to activate muscles effectively. In this case, strengthening the core or engaging in other movement therapies may not yield lasting results until the underlying neurological issues are addressed.

How Pediatric Chiropractors Address Subluxation and Gross Motor Delays

Pediatric chiropractors are uniquely trained to analyze and treat subluxations in the spine, particularly in the cervical and thoracic regions. By identifying and correcting subluxations, chiropractors help restore proper coordination and communication within the nervous system, allowing the body to move more efficiently.

Many parents report significant improvements in their child’s motor function after addressing subluxation, even after months or years of traditional therapy. Chiropractic care can help clear up tension in the nervous system, allowing the muscles and core to work properly.

The Role of INSiGHT Scans in Assessing Gross Motor Skills

At Embrace Family Chiropractic, we utilize INSiGHT Scans, a powerful tool for analyzing the neurospinal system and identifying subluxations. These scans provide a detailed picture of how well the nervous system is functioning and help pinpoint areas of tension or misalignment.

By performing INSiGHT Scans, pediatric chiropractors can assess your child’s nervous system and design a treatment plan to address any issues that may be contributing to gross motor delays. These scans go beyond traditional assessments by focusing on the root cause of the problem—the spine and nervous system.

Take Action for Your Child’s Gross Motor Development

If you suspect your child is struggling with gross motor delays, it’s important to seek a comprehensive evaluation. Pediatric chiropractic care, combined with INSiGHT Scans, offers an effective, non-invasive solution for addressing subluxations and restoring optimal function to the nervous system.

To learn more about how pediatric chiropractic can support your child’s development, contact one of our trained practitioners today and schedule a consultation.


Addressing gross motor delays requires a holistic approach that focuses on the spine, nervous system, and overall coordination. Pediatric chiropractic care offers a unique solution by identifying and treating subluxation that may be affecting your child's ability to move efficiently. With the help of INSiGHT Scans, our practitioners can provide a personalized care plan to help your child achieve their full gross motor potential.


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